I want to edit multiple cells in Excel at in one case.

Example: Put a certain string in front of the content of each cell.

How tin I achieve this? Peradventure with regular expressions and 'serach & replace'?

asked Sep 5, 2013 at 8:38


  • Excel's Find&Supplant doesn't support regex unfortunately. A quick method might be to apply CONCATENATE (or the equivalent & concatenator).

    Sep five, 2013 at 8:39

  • Practise you know in advance which cells will change when you edit i? You could use the inbuilt Events of the Worksheet to runway changes in your jail cell, compare the get-go and cease values of the cell and affix the alteration to another range that you specify

    Sep five, 2013 at ix:l

  • Exercise you accept a VBA solution?


    Sep 5, 2013 at 10:03

iii Answers 3

I need to exercise this regularly and the to the lowest degree messy way I have constitute is copying into Sublime Text and editing at that place as it supports editing multiple lines simultaniously.

Link to Sublime Text Website

answered Sep 5, 2013 at 9:43

Y'all can endeavor to find some add together-in, e.1000. RegEx Discover/Supersede or work with some existing UDFs, e.g. here

answered Sep 5, 2013 at 9:40

Relying on "a certain string" to imply this is e'er or usually the same cord, and then an 'appearances only' solution might possibly be of involvement. ie format the cells to include the relevant text. Either "certain text "@ or "certain text "#:

SO18631571 example

answered Sep 5, 2013 at 11:58

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